This is the page for my PhD dissertation in economics and historical studies.
I recieved the dual doctorate in June 2015 from the New School for Social Research in New York City.
Dissertation Concerning a Political Economy of Art with Emphasis on the United States of America
This is the Dissertation Proposal, February 2014. This is the Dissertation Committee.
Here is the final dissertation (part of the public record), all five chapters, May 2015.
Here is the Abstract of the dissertation defense.
Here is the Power Point presentation for the dissertation defense.
For the historical studies part of the PhD I had a 3-day "take-home" exam, from 6am Friday to midnight Sunday. Thank you to Oz Frankel and Julia Ott for the insightful and challenging questions they wanted me to adress. There were two themes for the preparation of the historical studies exam.
1) This is the bibliography on Visual Art and Nationalism, where I look at the evolution of the nation-state in the West, and uses of art and art movements both towards gathering state-power and also art movements against the hegemony of the state and state-funded art production.
2) This is the bibliography on the history of 1930s America, from WWI through the Great Depression and the New Deal, and into WWII, after which the US became the world's military and economic "super power."
The first exam question (and my answers) was on the 1930s era: the world's nations retreating into nationalism from WWI through WWII, now known as the "30-year Crises". I evaluate which events and institutions of the 1930s period were carry-ons from previous periods of American history, and which were new and transformative and specific to the New Deal, effecting socio-economic life in the United States through today.
The second exam was on the historiography (the history of the history) of the New Deal period, where I interpret the New Deal scholarship and create a periodization showing the major research interests into the New Deal, from views on the New Deal effects on the American enterprise system, to the effects on rights of groups and individuals, to the effects of the New Deal on women and blacks, and then how historians view the development of the welfare state. I also look at the evolution of the ideas of structure and agency in history writing, and as related to the development of "people's" history or the history of everyday life.
Here are some of the books I prepared for and used for the 3-day historical studies exam.
